The Prophet Said, Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire.
The Prophet Said, Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire.
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Home > Donation

Model Madrasa

Sanabil Foundation is operated by devoted volunteers like you. We are always in need of your support by any means either financially, physically, or spiritually. Please extend your support according to your means. Education – Model Madrasa integrates current skills (computer, Esl) into Madrasa education, so graduates are job-ready.

other Donation program

Women Empowering Women

Your support is greatly needed to help those women who are homeless due to domestic violence, injustice, Etc.

Vocational Training

To change a nation, education is the only route, one person at a time. we believe in making each person independent by vocational, adult & trade education. Your support is greatly needed.

Empowering Refugees to Survive and Thrive

Please help local refugees with your Sadaqah, Zakat funds generously.